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Uploading local files to SongbookPro Groups

If you have editing privileges in your organization, you can add songs to your shared library from your local library.

To do so, navigate to the songs view in a SongbookPro Groups shared library, and click the plus icon in the bottom left corner:

A SongbookPro Groups library sidebar with an arrow pointing to a plus icon.

Choose ‘From local library’ from the pop-up menu:

A popup over the SongbookPro Groups library sidebar with an arrow pointing to the text 'From local library'.

Select the song(s) that you would like to upload [1] and press the save button [2]:

A sidebar titled 'Choose songs'. An arrow labelled '1.' points to a songs called 'Amazing Grace' by John Newton. There is a tick next to this song. An arrow labelled '2' points to a button with a save icon.

The songs you have selected will now be available on your SongbookPro Groups library in the cloud.

The local library sidebar now includes the song 'Amazing Grace' by John Newton.