Install the SongbookPro app

Free trial
(limited to 12 songs)
Free trial
(limited to 12 songs)

Windows 10/11
Free trial
(limited to 12 songs)

Amazon Fire
Free trial
(limited to 12 songs)
Choose your platform above to be taken to the download page
How much does the full version cost?
Please see our pricing page for details.
Is the full version a one-time purchase or a subscription?
SongbookPro Solo is a one-time purchase! Once you have bought the full version it is yours forever and you will receive all future updates for free. Please note that you will have to purchase the app again if you want to use it on a different platform. Purchases cannot be transferred between app stores.
See our pricing page for further details and pricing information about SongbookPro Groups (this does require a subscription).
What are the minimum requirements?
Android 6.0 or higher (at least 1.5GB of RAM) iOS 12 or higher Windows 10 or higher